Shivendra Panwar

Shivendra S. Panwar is a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. He received the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, in 1981, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in 1983 and 1986, respectively.

Shivendra Panwar

Contact Information


Phone: 646.997.3740


Office: 370 Jay Street, 9th Floor, Brooklyn, NY - 11201

Shivendra Panwar

PhD Students

PhD Students


  1. Walter Grote
    Collision Resolution Algorithms for Random Access Communications
  2. Zhengxue Zhao
    Scheduling Policies for Real-Time Communications
  3. Cem Ersoy
    Topological Design of Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
  4. Yao Chung Hung
    Buffer Management Policies
  5. Kangsik Cheon
    Intelligent Cell Discarding Policies for TCP Traffic over ATM-UBR
  6. Yiwei Thomas Hou
    Network Bandwidth Sharing Policies and their Distributed Protocol Implementation for Packet-Switched Networks
  7. Nitin Gogate
    Multiple Path Transport of Information in Wireless and Wired Networks
  8. Jeong-Dong Ryoo
    Optimal Resource Design for Networks with Multimedia Servers
  9. George Lapiotis
    Stochastic Analysis of Joint Buffer Management and Service Scheduling in High Speed Network Nodes
  10. Rajarshi Roy
    Quality of Service Issues in ATM and IP Networks
  11. Shiwen Mao
    Realtime Multimedia Transport using Multiple Paths
  12. Yihan Li
    Design and Analysis of Scheduling for High Speed Input Queued Switches
  13. Dennis Bushmitch
    Queuing Performance of Realtime Traffic under Thinning, Stripping and Shuffling
  14. Sathya Narayanan
    Two-Hop Forwarding in Wireless Networks
  15. Zhifeng (Jeffery) Tao
    Quality of Service Analysis and Cooperative Protocol Design for  Wireless Local Area Networks
  16. Yanming Shen
    Design of Packet Switches & Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems
  17. Pei Liu
    Design and Performance Analysis of Cooperation Protocols for Wireless Networks
  18. Chun Nie
    Robust Cooperative Networking and Interference Management in
    Next Generation Wireless Networks
  19. Shunyuan Ye
    Distributed Scheduling Algorithm Design for High Speed Switching Systems
  20. Sha Hua
    Exploiting the Benifits of Cooperation in Wireless Networks
  21. Ayaskant Rath
    Realizing the Potential of the Network Edge
  22. Shu Luo
    Robust Cooperative Communications and Full-duplex Relaying in Wireless Networks
  23. Zizhong Cao
    Exploiting the Full Potential of Networks Through Architectural Evolution and Traffic Scheduling
  24. Sanjay Goyal
    Exploting the Potential of Full Duplex Radios in Wireless Networks
  25. Tingting Lu
    Cellular Network Performance Analysis Under Correlated Shadow Fading
  26. Seyedamirhossein (Amir) Hosseini
    Enhancing Video Delivery in Wireless Networks
  27. Fraida Fund
    An economic perspective on resource sharing in millimeter wave cellular networks
  28. Georgios (George) Kyriakou
    Delay Analysis, Prediction and Improvement in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
  29. Rajeev Kumar
    Achieving Ultra-high Reliability and Low-latency in Future Wireless Networks
  30. Shenghe Xu
    Learning Based Methods for Optimization and Estimation in Communications
  31. Caglar Tunc
    Mitigating the Challenges of Low-Latency Services in Future Wireless Networks
  32. Athanasios Koutsaftis

Current Students:

  1. Muhammad Affan Javed
  2. Mustafa Furqan Ozkoc
  3. Ashutosh Srivastava
  4. Soumyadeep Datta
  5. Ufuk Usubutun
  6. Sai Meghana Kuchana
  7. Fatih Berkay Sarpkaya