CATT History & Research Achievements

CATT’s current activities center around the emerging Gigahertz spectrum, video over wireless, propagation studies, and advanced cellular architectures. The center provides solutions for vendors, service providers and start up companies. We also work closely with two centers  NYU WIRELESS. and Center for Cybersecurity

Founding of CATT

Founded in 1983, CATT was one of the first Centers for Advanced Technology in the NYSTAR program. Over the years, it has come to play a major role in making Brooklyn’s MetroTech Center a prominent technology hub. CATT’s affiliates, NYU WIRELESS and the NYU Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Security and Privacy, are recognized nationally for taking the study of telecommunications and information systems beyond technology to human, business, and societal issues.

Advanced Network Management

For IBM the DCC developed NETMATE, a comprehensive system for the management of complex networks. NETMATE is being used in numerous commercial and development organizations to manage networks and develop network components such as bridges, routers and gateways. The NETMATE project was competitively selected by IBM as one of five projects nationwide to be funded under its Complex Systems Research Initiative.


Through collaboration with Bellcore, the research organization funded by NYNEX and other regional Bell Operating Companies, CATT devised methods for traffic management on ATM networks. The demonstration of the feasibility of sophisticated traffic management schemes associated with CATT research has had a significant impact on the development of ATM standards.

Broadband ISDN

Through its work with Bellcore, CATT developed connection establishment procedures for multimedia, multiparty data transfer applicable to Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) signaling systems.

Document Imaging

In a project funded by KeySpan Corporation (formerly Brooklyn Union), CATT has developed novel techniques for the analysis and lossy compression of KeySpan’s engineering drawings. This has helped the modernization of the KeySpan Engineering Mapping System, and has contributed to the decline in KeySpan’s gas and electricity distribution rates by approximately 20% over the past five years. In another project funded by the FSTC (Financial Services Technology Consortium), CATT has worked with banks and other financial institutions to study the feasibility of using imaging techniques in the inter-bank check clearing process. With funding from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, CATT is currently working on a project in the area of document security.

Medical Imaging

In a project funded by AFP Imaging Corporation, CATT has developed novel wavelet-based algorithms for the reduction of signal-dependent noise in digital dental x-ray images. The new software has been incorporated in AFP’s new generation of filmless digital dental x-ray imaging devices.

Network Bridging

Because LANs are now so ubiquitous, the ability to bridge them is critical. CATT has conducted extensive research on LAN bridges in cooperation with the Securities Industry Automation Corp. (SIAC), the technology operations center for the New York and American Stock Exchanges. This research enabled SIAC to validate the technically challenging design of the trading floor networks for the exchanges.

Network Design Software

A software package, MENTOR for the design of broadband networks, was developed at CATT and is now used by IBM for its internal network design and consulting services.

Network Reliability

CATT, with funding from IBM, has conducted extensive research into the development of new methods for analyzing network reliability.

Packet-Switched Network Design Tool

In Cooperation with Distinct Management Consultants of Columbia, MD., and Telenet Communications (now Sprint International), CATT developed the Network Evaluation and Design System (NEDS), a state-of-the-art packet-switched network design tool. This is an interactive PC tool which is being used to design and optimize a packet-switched network and is also used for developing proposals and designing private networks for clients.

Real Time Systems

For NASDAQ, CATT performed validation and verification on the first nationwide, real time, financial trading system.

Traffic Planning and Capacity Engineering

Working with the research and development division of NYNEX Science and Technology, CATT developed a prototype, the Data Network Management and Optimization Tool (DATANMOT) which can be used by NYNEX for its traffic planning. The prototype includes a generic model for the simulation and analysis of different network services and architectures. It can be used for traffic planning for frame relay and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) based services.

UNIX Network Design Workbench

CATT developed a prototype of a UNIX-based Network Design Workbench. This prototype includes a number of fundamental network design algorithms. As part of this project, CATT created a graphical user interface (GUI) for accessing these algorithms using the X-window interface and Motif.

Wireless Communication

Models for wireless signal propagation developed at the CATT, with support from Motorola, Inc. and Symbol Technologies, Inc., are being used in the latest computer programs for the layout of U.S. and European cellular phone systems.

Developed analytical models and propose cost effective solutions for electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility (EMI/EMC) on ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) sensors for expanded US Navy E2-C Advanced Hawkeye and EA-6B Prowler missions for Northrop Grumman.

Developed ranging and localization techniques and propose smart antenna structures for WLAN and RFID for Symbol Technology.

Developed space-time-frequency technigue to mitigate time-varying multipath propagation effects on HFTV transmissions and cellular communications for Fujitsu.

Developed ray-propagation and cell-planning tools for T-Mobile.

Image Communication

CATT has been deeply involved in addressing technological challenges in the area of image communication, including the issues raised by the introduction of digital video for applications such as high definition television and videoconferencing, as well as issues related to financial document imaging and magnetic resonance medical imaging.

Image Compression

In conjunction with AT&T Bell Laboratories, CATT has developed new methods for motion estimation, a key component in the compression of video sequences. CATT has also developed techniques for image coding and reconstruction that will permit images to be transmitted over packet networks and minimize the degradation caused by the inevitable loss of packets during transmission. Working with doctors at Cornell University Medical College, CATT has developed new techniques for compression of images from magnetic resonance imaging.

DCC and IRT Laboratories at Columbia University

The Distributed Computing and Communications (DCC) Laboratory and the Internet Real Time (IRT) Laboratory at Columbia University are affiliated with the CATT.
DCC-IRT Accomplishments:

Advanced Network Management

For IBM the DCC developed NETMATE, a comprehensive system for the management of complex networks. NETMATE is being used in numerous commercial and development organizations to manage networks and develop network components such as bridges, routers and gateways. The NETMATE project was competitively selected by IBM as one of five projects nationwide to be funded under its Complex Systems Research Initiative.

DCC Launched Two Startup Companies

Comverse Technology Inc.
Founded in 1984 in Woodbury, N.Y., Comverse is a public company that develops multimedia message management computers. Comverse has created over 500 jobs.

System Management Arts (SMARTS), Inc.
Founded in 1993 in White Plains, N.Y., SMARTS is a private company building network and system management software.